Grade A Food Porn

Two River is a fan of Steven Cavendish of the Chicago Tribune. This guy knows his TV. Steve recently wrote an article in the stew for the Ten @ 10 series dubbed “Ten Food Television Shows You Should Be Watching”. Imagine our delight when we found the Four Coursemen, a one hour special Two River Pictures produced for Cooking Channel coming in at number three on the list.
The only thing more thrilling than seeing our work on that list was reading what he had to say about the show. Below is the excerpt:
3. The Four Coursemen
The Cooking Channel has done an intriguing series of one-off shows and this one, about a group of friends who run a weekend dinner club in Athens, Ga., was rightfully nominated for a James Beard award. The group travels throughout the state gathering items for the dinner – to Ossabaw Island for a heritage breed hog, for example – and then prepares it for 30 or so diners.
The cinematography is achingly beautiful, the friends seem like people you’d want to hang out with and the food will make you hungry. This is Grade A food porn. (Cooking Channel)
Reading this in the tribune was a wonderful acknowledgement of all of the hard work and passion that went into creating the show from both our team, The Four Coursemen and Cooking Channel. We thank Steve for tipping his hat to our team in the weeks leading up to the James Beard Awards (yeah, the show is up for one of those too!) while optimistically looking forward to the future and the many great things to come. Stay Tuned!
You can read Steve’s full article here to learn about some other great programs you might be missing out on.